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The E-MAIL FILTER RULES —set through webmail service –works always and on any e-mail client you are using.


For more information to manage forward and vacation please read:

For more information about your e-mail filter management and
how to redirect filtered incoming e-email in a specific folder, please read:

The E-MAIL FILTER RULES —set through webmail service –works always and on any e-mail client you are using.
All e-mail client (pine, thunderbird, etc.) filter rules work after the rules managed through horde or squirrel, so it can not overwrite or overtake the rules fixed/managed through webmail-horde or webmail-squirrel.

If you use always Thunderbird inside Sissa network,
(please remember that you can not send e-mail using thunderbird if you are outside Sissa if you are using the SMTP server… you have to use webmail instead),

  • you can set/manage main e-mail filters rules (vacation, forward, spam filters, general filter rules) using webmail-horde or webmail-squirrel ONLY;
  • OR set more filter rules which will be active when you run Thunderbird ONLY.


If you are inside Thunderbird, you see, on the left of the Thunderbird window, the “Folder” column.
To create/change a rule:

  • TOOLS –>Message Filters
  • On the Message Filters window, into the box Filters for: choose the folder which represent your Sissa e-mail account (probably it will be –where “username” is your SISSA account/username!–);
  • to add a new filter click on New
  • or to modify a filter: select the filter name (the name of the rule which you wish to change) and then EDIT
  • on the Filter rules windows you have to choose:
    • a filter name;
    • a rule which checks on the incoming e-mails …. something…;
    • the action;
  • click on: OK.

Please remember: if you use another e-mail client or webmail service, this program/service does not check the incoming mail using this rule.

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