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services:network:scp:win:scp-win [2011/04/18 15:31]
services:network:scp:win:scp-win [2011/07/20 11:23] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 ==== Winscp installation using an Account with all privileges (Administrator) ==== ==== Winscp installation using an Account with all privileges (Administrator) ====
 \\ \\
-a) Open an internet browser (for example //​Firefox//​) and go to the web page\\ **http://​software/​pub/​windows/​freeware/​SSH%20tools/​WinSCP%204.1.x/**,\\+a) Open an internet browser (for example //​Firefox//​) and go to the web page\\ **http://​software/​pub/​windows/​freeware/​SSH%20tools/​WinSCP,​\\
 Then click on the **winscp...setup.exe** link to download it. Please note that the numbers of the version could not be the same.\\ Then click on the **winscp...setup.exe** link to download it. Please note that the numbers of the version could not be the same.\\
 {{winscp_download.jpg|Click on the winscp...setup.exe link to download it...}} {{winscp_download.jpg|Click on the winscp...setup.exe link to download it...}}
Line 20: Line 20:
 \\ \\
 c) Search for the downloaded file **winscp...setup.exe icon** and execute it (**double click**).\\ ​ c) Search for the downloaded file **winscp...setup.exe icon** and execute it (**double click**).\\ ​
-{{search_winscp.jpg|Search for the downloaded file winscp...setup.exe icon and execute it (Double ​click)...}}+{{search_winscp.jpg|Search for the downloaded file winscp...setup.exe icon and execute it (double ​click)...}}
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
Line 64: Line 64:
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-Now you will be able to copy the files, please go to the section ​this page: [[#Copying files between your laptop/pc Windows to your linux SISSA workstation]].+Now you will be able to copy the files, please go to the section: [[#Copying files between your laptop/pc Windows to your linux SISSA workstation]] ​of this page.
 \\ \\
Line 87: Line 87:
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-c) Search for the downloaded file winscp...setup.exe icon and execute it (Double ​click).\\  +c) Search for the downloaded file **winscp...setup.exe icon** and execute it (**double ​click**).\\  
-{{search_winscp.jpg|Search for the downloaded file winscp...setup.exe icon and execute it (Double ​click)...}}+{{search_winscp.jpg|Search for the downloaded file winscp...setup.exe icon and execute it (double ​click)...}}
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
Line 121: Line 121:
 i) In the //Browse for a Folder// window,\\ i) In the //Browse for a Folder// window,\\
 please do not click on the plus sings please do not click on the plus sings
-   * ** 1)** click on the hard disk wit the windows installation (for example ​**C:**),​\\  ​+   * ** 1)** click on the hard disk wit the windows installation (for example ​//C://),​\\  ​
    * ** 2)** click on the **Documents and Settings** folder,\\    * ** 2)** click on the **Documents and Settings** folder,\\
-   * ** 3)** click on the **account name** folder (for example ​**user**+   * ** 3)** click on the **account name** folder (for example ​//user//
-   * ** 4)** the address **C:​\Documents and settings\user\WinSCP** will appear in the //Select a folder in the list below, then click OK// field,\\+   * ** 4)** the address **//C://\Documents and settings\//user//\WinSCP** will appear in the //Select a folder in the list below, then click OK// field,\\
   * ** 5)** then **click OK**.\\   * ** 5)** then **click OK**.\\
 {{setup_browse_winscp.jpg|Follow carefully the previous instructions....}} ​ {{setup_browse_winscp.jpg|Follow carefully the previous instructions....}} ​
Line 180: Line 180:
 ===== Copying files between your laptop/pc Windows to your linux SISSA workstation ===== ===== Copying files between your laptop/pc Windows to your linux SISSA workstation =====
 \\ \\
-a) After having completed the previous section (about the installation of the necessary software), an **WinSCP** ​icon will appear in the //​Desktop//,​ please search and execute it (double click).+a) After having completed the previous section (about the installation of the necessary software), an **WinSCP ​icon ** will appear in the //​Desktop//,​ please search and execute it (**double click**).
 {{search_winscp_icon.jpg| Search for the WinSCP icon and execute it (double click)...}} {{search_winscp_icon.jpg| Search for the WinSCP icon and execute it (double click)...}}
Line 187: Line 187:
 \\ \\
 If you have already saved your workstation information settings into WinSCP, **to open a connection to your  If you have already saved your workstation information settings into WinSCP, **to open a connection to your 
-workstation,​** please go to __[[#How to open a connection to a workstation using a saved configuration session| this step of the page]]__.+workstation,​** please go to the section: ​[[#How to open a connection to a workstation using a saved configuration session]] ​of this page.
 \\ \\
 Otherwise... save your workstation information settings into WinSCP ...\\ Otherwise... save your workstation information settings into WinSCP ...\\
- === How to save your workstation information settings into WinSCP ===+ 
 +==== How to save your workstation information settings into WinSCP ​====
 **You have to save this information about a workstation ONCE ONLY**.\\ **You have to save this information about a workstation ONCE ONLY**.\\
 \\ \\
 b) In the //​WinSCP-Loging//​ window,\\ b) In the //​WinSCP-Loging//​ window,\\
   * ** 1)** click on **Session** on the left of the window,\\   * ** 1)** click on **Session** on the left of the window,\\
-  * ** 2)** in the //Host name:// field write the name of the Host you want to connect (for example ​**bluestar.ap.sissa.it**),\\ +  * ** 2)** in the //Host name:// field write the **name of the Host** you want to connect (for example ​//bluestar.ap.sissa.it//),\\ 
-  * ** 3)** in the //User name:// field write **your SISSA username** (for example ​**jsmith**).\\+  * ** 3)** in the //User name:// field write //**your SISSA username**// (for example ​//jsmith//).\\
   * ** 4)** click on **Save** to save the settings of the session.\\   * ** 4)** click on **Save** to save the settings of the session.\\
 {{winscp_settings.jpg|Fill in carefully the Session section...}} {{winscp_settings.jpg|Fill in carefully the Session section...}}
Line 203: Line 204:
 \\ \\
 c) A //Save session as// window will appear,\\ c) A //Save session as// window will appear,\\
-   * ** 1)** in the //Save session as// field write the name of the session (for example ​**jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it**).\\+   * ** 1)** in the //Save session as// field write the **name of the session** (for example ​//jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it//).\\
    * ** 2)** then click on **OK**    * ** 2)** then click on **OK**
 {{winscp_session_name.jpg|In the Save session as field write the name of the session, then click on OK ...}} {{winscp_session_name.jpg|In the Save session as field write the name of the session, then click on OK ...}}
Line 213: Line 214:
 d) In the //​WinSCP-Loging//​ window, the saved session will appear in the stored session section, and this section ​ will activate by default every time you execute WinSCP.\\ d) In the //​WinSCP-Loging//​ window, the saved session will appear in the stored session section, and this section ​ will activate by default every time you execute WinSCP.\\
    * ** 1)** click on **Stored sessions** on the left of the window,\\    * ** 1)** click on **Stored sessions** on the left of the window,\\
-   * ** 2)** **select** ​the session ​you desire to connect (for example ​**jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it**),\\+   * ** 2)** **select ​the session ​** you desire to connect (for example ​//jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it//),\\
    * ** 3)** then click in **Login**.\\    * ** 3)** then click in **Login**.\\
 {{winscp_stored_sessions.jpg| In the Stored sessions section, select the session you desire to connect then click in Login...}} {{winscp_stored_sessions.jpg| In the Stored sessions section, select the session you desire to connect then click in Login...}}
Line 224: Line 225:
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-f) In the //​Password//​ window, //​password//​ field write **your SISSA password**,​\\+f) In the //​Password//​ window, //​password//​ field write //**your SISSA password**//,\\
 {{winscp_password.jpg|In the password field write your SISSA password...}} {{winscp_password.jpg|In the password field write your SISSA password...}}
 \\ \\
Line 232: Line 233:
 you will have the files on your laptop on the left of the window and\\ you will have the files on your laptop on the left of the window and\\
 the files of your SISSA workstation on the right of the window.\\ the files of your SISSA workstation on the right of the window.\\
-To copy a folder (for example ​**My Documents**) or a file, from your SISSA workstation to your laptop, use drag&​drop.\\+To copy a folder (for example ​//My Documents//) or a file, from your SISSA workstation to your laptop, use drag&​drop.\\
 <note i> <note i>
 To avoid to overwrite unintentionally an existing file of the destination folder/​directory,​ we suggest you to check ALWAYS the file names present in the destination folder/​directory. To avoid to overwrite unintentionally an existing file of the destination folder/​directory,​ we suggest you to check ALWAYS the file names present in the destination folder/​directory.